# Two.Events

Object inherited by many Two.js objects in order to facilitate custom events.

# Types

Object of different types of Two.js specific events.

# addEventListener

Argument Description
name The name of the event to bind a function to.
handler The function to be invoked when the event is dispatched.

Call to add a listener to a specific event name.

# removeEventListener

Argument Description
name The name of the event intended to be removed.
handler The handler intended to be removed.

Call to remove listeners from a specific event. If only name is passed then all the handlers attached to that name will be removed. If no arguments are passed then all handlers for every event on the obejct are removed.

# dispatchEvent

Argument Description
name The name of the event to dispatch.
args Anything can be passed after the name and those will be passed on to handlers attached to the event in the order they are passed.

Call to trigger a custom event. Any additional arguments passed after the name will be passed along to the attached handlers.