# Two.ImageSequence
Extends: Two.Rectangle
A convenient package to display still or animated images organized as a series of still images.
# Constructor
Argument | Description |
paths | A list of URLs or Two.Textures. |
ox | The initial x position of the Two.ImageSequence. |
oy | The initial y position of the Two.ImageSequence. |
frameRate | The frame rate at which the images should playback at. |
# DefaultFrameRate
default frame rate that Two.ImageSequence.frameRate is set to when instantiated.
# fromObject
Returns: Two.ImageSequence
Argument | Description |
obj | Object notation of a Two.ImageSequence to create a new instance |
Create a new Two.ImageSequence from an object notation of a Two.ImageSequence.
# textures
A list of textures to be used as frames for animating the Two.ImageSequence.
# index
The index of the current tile of the sprite to display. Defaults to 0
# copy
Argument | Description |
imageSequence | The reference Two.ImageSequence |
Copy the properties of one Two.ImageSequence onto another.
# play
Argument | Description |
firstFrame | The index of the frame to start the animation with. |
lastFrame | The index of the frame to end the animation with. Defaults to the last item in the Two.ImageSequence.textures. |
onLastFrame | Optional callback function to be triggered after playing the last frame. This fires multiple times when the image sequence is looped. |
Initiate animation playback of a Two.ImageSequence.
# stop
Halt animation playback of a Two.ImageSequence and set the current frame back to the first frame.
# clone
Returns: Two.ImageSequence
Argument | Description |
parent | The parent group or scene to add the clone to. |
Create a new instance of Two.ImageSequence with the same properties of the current image sequence.
# toObject
Returns: Object
Return a JSON compatible plain object that represents the path.